GDC Sacco Society Limited

Join us Today
As a leading financial cooperative, GDC SACCO offers a comprehensive suite of products and services designed to cater to the diverse financial needs of individuals, groups, and corporations.

The Possibilities Are Endless

“Seeking a reliable and member-centric SACCO in Kenya? Consider GDC SACCO. As a leading financial cooperative, GDC SACCO offers a comprehensive suite of products and services designed to cater to the diverse financial needs of individuals, groups, and corporations. Our membership is open to all Kenyan citizens, both residents and non-residents. Experience the exceptional benefits of joining GDC SACCO and secure your financial future with a trusted and reputable partner.”

Member Deposits Contributions

Members can contribute to the SACCO by:

  • Placing a monthly standing order
  • Making cash deposits

  • Share Capital

    Share capital is a long-term investment in the SACCO that represents a member's ownership. It is essential for taking up a credit facility. The minimum share capital requirement is Ksh 5,000.

    Members Deposit Boosting

    Members can boost their deposits by making a lump sum contribution. However, the money must remain in the SACCO for at least 6 months before applying for a credit facility.