GDC Sacco Society Limited

Savings Account

Established in 2003, GDC Sacco has demonstrated a remarkable journey of growth and resilience.

Membership Eligibility

Any Kenyan citizen, regardless of their occupation or income level, is eligible to join GDC SACCO and open a Savings Account. This means that anyone who is a resident of Kenya and possesses a valid Kenyan National Identity Card or Passport can become a member of the Sacco.

To join the Sacco one needs to;

Savings Account Features

  • The Savings Account offered by GDC SACCO is a versatile financial tool designed to cater to various needs. Some of the key features of this account include:

    • Salary Processing: Members can conveniently process their salaries through the Savings Account. This eliminates the need for multiple bank accounts and simplifies financial management.
    • Pension Payments: The Savings Account is also ideal for receiving pension payments. Members can easily manage their retirement funds and access them as needed.
    • Crop Payments: For those involved in agriculture, the Savings Account can be used to receive payments for crops sold. This provides a secure and convenient way to manage agricultural income.
    • Personal Savings: The Savings Account is a great option for saving money for personal goals, such as education, travel, or homeownership. Members can deposit funds regularly and watch their savings grow over time.

I am Interested

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    Individual Account

    GDC Sacco offers a range of membership benefits tailored to individuals like you.

    Savings Account

    Grow your wealth with our flexible savings options, including regular savings, fixed deposits, and children's savings accounts.

    Business Account

    Manage your business finances efficiently with our current accounts, offering convenient features like checkbooks and online banking.

    Group Account

    Establish group savings accounts to pool funds for shared goals, such as community projects or member welfare.